Automate Your Invoice Processing
With a setup that takes hours (not weeks) to complete, get a free account today!
- Eliminate manual key entry of vendor invoices with advanced OCR
- Process & approve invoices paperlessly
- Pay vendor bills electronically how and when you choose
- Manage and reconcile employee expenses online
Delivering Real-Time, 24/7 Access, Visibility, and Control

How It Works
From start to finish, the VendorTrl automates the AP process, helping businesses simplify and streamline review and approvals, reduce processing time and associated costs, and minimize the potential for human error.

“Throughout a period of substantial expansion, a massive growth in vendors and invoices overwhelmed our organization and created significant manual work for our AP department. VendorTrl automated our entire AP process, from invoice submission to approvals to payment, for about 1,200 invoices per month from 650 vendors. The efficiencies saved us the equivalent of one FTE across various levels of staff, saving Tidewater over $100k annually.”

“As a smaller company where most of our staff wears multiple hats and works with a lot of outside vendors, PaperTrl has allowed us to be responsive without having to hire additional staff. It’s also given us better visibility into our AP so we can better manage cash flow. With PaperTrl we are equipped to operate like a much larger firm.”